American Literature

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Notes from 9/26
Epiphany- an experience that completely changes your perception

Way back when, when the internet was still an idea, it was not going to be called "The Internet" it was going to be called Xanadu.
Along the sames line, Citizen Kane is the first film to use deep focus. Deep focus is a camera technique that allows both the background and the foreground to be in focus.
Why have I, and potentially others, been missing all these important scenes in the movies we've watched? Guy Davenport says "You have to train your eye." Perhaps I need to practice examining films in order to get better at it, sort of like skiing.

Similes- Similes are usually designated by using like or as. In class we discussed the power of similies to keep things apart _____ is like _______.
Metaphor- Metaphors compare two unrelated things. In class we dicussed that metaphors join _____ is ________.

"I'm going to lie up a nation." Zora Neale Hurston Of Mules and Men
Our nation is founded on lies. Therein lies the irony of this line.
This narative is also important because it revisits the stories before they've been revised, primarily by Joel Chandler Harris, the white man who wrote the stories of B'rer Rabbit.
Note: For the test we only need to read chapters 1 and 2 of Mules and Men.

Flannery O'Conner is the master of gothic similies.
These are the 5 I found:
"His face under the cap was like a think picked eagle's" (pg.69)
"He looked pressed down in that blue suit, as if inside it, the thing winding was getting tighter and tigheter" (pg. 90)
"He put his foor on the starter but nothing happened except noise somewhere underneath him that sounded like a person gargling with water" (pg. 156)
"His throat got dryer and his heart began to grip him like a little ape clutching the bars of its cage" (pg. 60)
"He stood staring after him, jerking his hands in and out of his pockets as if he were trying to moce forward and backward at the same time" (pg. 43)


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